Sunday, June 19, 2011

Preamble - revised repost

My name is William Winchester. I decided to go into the practice of law to “change the system” after being crushed by a system of corruption during my own divorce and child custody case in Jackson, Tennessee. Nine years later, after suffering a heart attack and losing my first daughter again in a corrupt system, I stopped practicing law; however, it will not leave me alone.

The beginning of the end started at the end of 2006 when my first daughter, just turning 12, began exhibiting the signs of Parental Alienation Syndrome, which ultimately led to me not having any contact with her. This, of course, created great psychological trauma for me, just as the death of a child would have to any parent. In June 2007, I suffered a heart attack, and for the next year I was on a roller coaster of medications and side effects from the various heart and blood pressure medications. At this point, I decided that for my health and the well-being of my family, that I had to close my law practice and leave Memphis, Tennessee.

With continuous health and emotional issues, as I was closing my practice, I know that I let a few people down. It is my intent to remedy those few matters as best as I can; however, with the health and emotional drains that I was experiencing, I had no choice if I were to maintain my sanity.

This blog site is a preview of a tell all book I am writing, preliminarily entitled “The Shelby County Way”. The book is a collection of actual cases from the following Tennessee counties: Shelby, Madison, and Fayette. The decisions of judges and juries in these cases defy all reason, and can only be explained by one word - corruption. The corruption does not necessarily involve monetary payoffs, but can include “good ole boy” politics, “back room” deals, racism, sexism, and elitism. My definition of corruption is the influence of any factor in making a legal decision by a judge or jury that is not legally permissible.

This week the posts (some of them were already posted in January and February) will chronicle the details of my own case with its twists and turns in and around Jackson, Tennessee, from 1994 through today. It will show how judicial politicking and influence spans several courtrooms, from the juvenile court to the circuit court, and how one current juvenile judge and one law firm is the epicenter of it all.  This week's posts will complete My Story: For the Love of a Child.

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